Positive affirmations for students are a great way to help students feel better about themselves. When repeated on a regular basis these positive statements can change the subconscious beliefs of students.

Teaching growth mindset in the classroom doesn’t need to be a separate subject or a lesson plan. It can be incorporated into daily activities and modeled by teachers.


Children with low self-esteem have trouble navigating school life. They may be less willing to try new things and are more likely to give up when they get stuck or make a mistake. Children who feel bad about themselves also have a harder time defending their rights and needs.

Research has shown that self-esteem plays a huge role in a student’s ability to learn. Studies by van der Kaap-Deeder and Zeigler-Hill have found that unstable self-esteem is linked to emotional disengagement, which can negatively impact learning in the long term.

One way to boost a child’s self-esteem is to help them build a list of their existing accomplishments. Have them paste a picture of themselves on a piece of paper and write all the things they’re proud of. Then they can put a list of their goals on the back. This will help them realize that even if they’re not getting Cs on their report card, they can still work hard to improve.


Students with self-confidence are more able to handle challenges and setbacks. They know how to take risks and can be more creative in their classroom assignments and extracurricular activities. This confidence also helps them overcome social pressures and excel in their careers.

However, self-confidence isn’t about arrogance or being confrontational. It’s about a positive attitude towards yourself and a belief that you can achieve your goals.

Students who have confidence are able to accept their strengths and weaknesses and make healthy relationships with themselves. They are able to show love to themselves and can even break away from toxic relationships or pick up a new hobby that is just for them. Self-confidence is vital for success in all areas of life and paves the way to happiness both inside and outside of the classroom. It also helps students cope with setbacks by seeing them as learning opportunities. Having confidence is like having a shield that protects students from bullies and negativity and helps them focus on their goals.


Self-discipline is a critical skill for success in all aspects of life. It is the ability to avoid unhealthy excess and reject instant gratification in favor of something more important, like studying or working hard. Self-discipline allows you to stay focused on your goals and keep pushing through even when things are difficult.

College is a time where many students must learn to discipline themselves and prioritize their work without someone else telling them what to do. It is often hard to turn down a party or sports event in order to study, write a paper, or complete an assignment on time.

The best way to develop self-discipline is to practice it daily. Set realistic goals and break them down into smaller tasks. Then schedule these tasks in advance to help you feel prepared and confident. Taking care of yourself is also essential when trying to build self-discipline, so make sure you are getting enough sleep and eating healthy meals.

Growth Mindset

People with a growth mindset “believe personal qualities have the potential to change, such as intelligence and talent.” They seek experiences that will stretch them and prefer challenges over easy tasks. They don’t get discouraged by setbacks or criticism and are willing to persist in the face of difficulty.

Nurturing a growth mindset is an important part of teaching and learning. It helps students become more persistent and self-motivated and encourages them to use problem-solving skills. It also helps them to become better at handling the natural ebb and flow of school life, such as changes in curriculum or peer groups.

Help your students develop a growth mindset by encouraging them to learn from their mistakes, especially when they’re wrong. This will teach them that even their weakest areas can improve if they try hard enough. In addition, remind them that some of the world’s greatest athletes, artists and business magnates started with little talent and expertise.

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